David Alonso De la Cruz

viernes, 25 de junio de 2010

A un año sin el Rey del POP (We miss you so much...)

"No hay mayor dolor que acordarse de los tiempos felices en la desgracias" -Aristoteles-
Querido Mike:

Un día como hoy, te marchaste de esta vida. Muchos lloraron por tí alrededor del mundo, pero soy el único que llora esta noche de manera diferente, porque mi dolor es único e incomparable; porque siento que yo debí haber ocupado tu lugar, un día como hoy, y tú quedarte, permanecer para seguir alegrandole la vida a tantos millones de personas que te amaban. Sin embargo yo, que tuve la única personita que me amaba, la hice llorar, no supe hacerla feliz como mujer, porque la amaba con todo mi ser, y la respetaba con toda mi ansiedad de niño bueno que había en mi cuerpo de hombre que no supo diferenciar que ella, ya era adúlta y quería la libertad de ser amada como pedía y no abrigarla para protejerla de la maldad de ese mundo "black and white". Hoy, ella no está más a mi lado, y siento que yo debería haber ocupado el nefasto camino hacía una tumba fría y no tú, que amabas y te amaban con esa libertad de esplendor.
¿Porqué no morí yo? Te hubiera dado mi vida, con mucho entusiasmo, porque no deseaba vivir las pesadillas de ahora, que ella está fuera de mi vida.
Ella, era mi todo, mi felicidad, mi dicha, pero ¿sabes Mike? Dios es grande e infinitamente bondadoso, sé que me permitirá pedirte desde donde sea que estes, me permitirá pedirte que vayas hasta donde ella este ahora, para susurrarle a su oido, y sé que le cantaras su canción favorita, la misma que me cantaba mientras me miraba y sonreía con su cristalina y tierna sonrisa, cuando veíamos tus videos en nuestro dormitorio, mientras comiamos pizzas y bebiamos unas cervezas a tu nombre. Ahora le pido a Dios, que te dé esa oportunidad de ir donde ella y que le cantes esa canción..... Por eso, donde quiera que ella, ahora esté, sé y le agradesco a Dios y a ti, querido Michael, por permitirme gritar al cielo que allí estaré, cuando ella decida regresar al hogar que la acobijó, cuando mi hermana Vita, con mucho cariño le abrió la puerta, la vez que fué a buscarme en su vida. Y allí estaré. Gracias Mike, Gracias Dios, gracias Vita. Juro que allí estaré. - David José.

"She's Out Of My Life"

She's Out Of My Life
She's Out Of My Life
And I Don't Know Whether To Laugh Or Cry
I Don't Know Whether To Live Or Die
And It Cuts Like A Knife
She's Out Of My Life

It's Out Of My Hands
It's Out Of My Hands
To Think For Two Years She Was Here
And I Took Her For Granted I Was So Cavalier
Now The Way That It Stands
She's Out Of My Hands

So I've Learned That Love's Not Possession
And I've Learned That Love Won't Wait
Now I've Learned That Love Needs Expression
But I Learned Too Late

She's Out Of My Life
She's Out Of My Life
Damned Indecision And Cursed Pride
Kept My Love For Her Locked Deep Inside
And It Cuts Like A Knife
She's Out Of My Life

Dear Mike:
A day like today, you left this life. Many cried by you around the world, but I am the unique one that cries tonight of different way, because my pain is unique and incomparable; because I feel that I must have occupied your place, a day like today, and you stay here, to remain to continue cheering the life to so many million people whom they loved to you. Nevertheless I, that I had the unique Little girl that she loved to me I made, it cry, I did not know to make it happy like woman, because she loved my being yet, she respected and it with all my as a child good anxiety that there was in my body of man who did not know to differentiate that she is, already was adult and wanted the freedom of being loved as she asked and not sheltering it to proweave it of the badness of that world " black and white". Today, it is not side more, and I feel that I must have occupied the ominous way made a tomb cold and not you, who you loved and they loved to you with that freedom of splendor.
Because I did not die? She would have given my life you, by far enthusiasm, because she did not wish to live the nightmares on now, that she is outside my life. It, was my whole, my happiness, my happiness, but you know Mike? God is great and infinitely kind, I know that it will allow beg to you that me from where you´re now, it will allow me that you go to where she is now this, to whisper to her to her ear, and I know that you sang its favorite song to her, the same that sang to me while it watched to me and smiled with its crystalline and tender smile, when we saw your videos in our bedroom, while we´re eating pizzas and drinking beers to your name. Now I ask to him to God, that you of that opportunity to go where she and that sing that song to her ..... For that reason, where it loves that she, now it is, it knows and thank to her to God and, dear Michael, to allow me to shout to the sky who I will be there, when she decides to return to the home that loved, when my sister Vita, by far affection opened the door to her, the time that went to look for me in her life. And there I will be. Mike thanks, God Thanks, thanks Vita. Right of perpetual ownership that I will be there.

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